Life in Challenging Times

I have written a series of 12 articles entitled “Life in Challenging Times” talking about Grief, Emotions and Coping Strategies for people struggling with the loss of a loved one especially in the difficult circumstances during the current pandemic. While the death of anyone we care about is one of the most difficult experiences in […]
Thoughts and Prayers
When we are grieving, it is good to know that someone is thinking of you and even praying for you. But sadly, these good sentiments are often conveyed in an idiom that has become somewhat hackneyed. I’m referring to the oft used expression, “Thoughts and Prayers.” This phrase has been popularized recently by politicians and […]
An Unexpected Change in Direction
One of my favorite sayings in life is, “Don’t you love it when a plan comes together.” It’s great when something works out, when something you were planning for or hoping for just seems to be fulfilled. We all make plans, for things large and small. When Iwas a teenager, (which only goes to show […]
Understanding Bereavement
Losing anyone you care about, whether spouse, child, parent sibling, family or friend is one of the most difficult and painful experiences of life. There are no words that can fully express what we feel when such situations touch our lives. And yet we need to try to find some way to understand […]
Father’s Day after Dad has Died
Father’s Day is a celebration of Dad’s and many families are making plans to make it special for “the old man”! But when your father has died, it can actually be a painful day of remembering what you have lost. This short article simply says to all those who have lost a father, you’re not […]
Father’s Day after Dad has Died
Father’s Day is a celebration of Dad’s and many families are making plans to make it special for “the old man”! But when your father has died, it can actually be a painful day of remembering what you have lost. This short article simply says to all those who have lost a father, you’re not […]
Tragedy Strikes Canadian Hockey Team
Losing a child is every parent’s worst nightmare. That nightmare became a reality on a dark highway in rural Saskatchewan when the charter bus carrying the Humboldt Broncos junior hockey players, coaches and team officials was involved in a horrendous accident. Of 29 people onboard the bus, 15 died: 10 players, 2 coaches, an intern, […]
Success or Significance
I’ve been to a few funerals lately. As I listen to eulogies, celebrating the person’s life, I am realizing that there are really two kinds of tributes. There are the grandiose inventories of success, achievement in business, acquisition in the material world, or accomplishment in the pursuit of status. Then there are the simpler […]
The Power of STORY
When I was a kid, I used to love when my mother would read my sister and I stories. How these tales captured my imagination. I would sometimes picture myself in that story, usually as the hero, of course. But there were other more personal, real life stories that I remember as part of […]
How to have a Better New Year
I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. I just don’t have the will power. Besides, the moment you “blow it”, (which is usually by January 2nd) you give up on your resolutions, and slip back into more of the “same old, same old.” I prefer to set GOALS. Things I want to accomplish in 2018. […]