Coping with the Holidays
Welcome to Dr. Bill’s yearly feature providing timely resources for coping with Christmas and the holiday season.
You’ll find below Dr. Bills Grief Matters feature, Coping with Christmas, his custom meditation, and his new series, I’ll be HOME for Christmas.
Grief Matters - Coping With Christmas
Dr. Bill's Christmas Meditation
I'll be HOME for Christmas Series:
Priorities For Another New Year
I’ll be HOME for Christmas Priorities for Another New Year Is it just me, or is time going FASTER? Someone once observed, “Life is like
The Aftermath of Christmas
I’ll be HOME for Christmas The Aftermath of Christmas “It’s that time of the year again.” What a silly statement with which to begin! EVERY
And a Successful New Year
I’ll be HOME for Christmas A Successful New Year You say you want 2021 to be a successful new year. I’m sure you do! But