Someone asked me about doing a BLOG.

As you know I have been posting articles and news recently as I stumble along the path of social media in order to more effectively communicate with grieving people. The best way to describe how I feel about this transition is to say … “I am moving through a dark cave without a flashlight, feeling my way!!” Don’t think I have stumbled YET, but I know that if I do that my friend and webmaster Sean is there to pick me up, dust me off and set me straight.

So I said to Sean, “What do you think about me adding a BLOG. He responded, “Definitely a good idea – add a blog post.”

Guess what my NEXT e mail to Sean was??? “Hi Sean, Can you please send me a few simple instructions as to HOW to post a blog??

His answer came as a surprise. “WHAT YOU ARE POSTING ON TO THE WEBSITE IS THE BLOG!”

Oh really! I didn’t know that!! That’s nice!!!

Stumbling in the dark … but I got a good guide!!!

And here I have been wondering about how on earth I was going to produce articles 3 or 4 times a week … a tall order even for a prolific (but obviously not MODEST!!!) writer like myself.

SO!  Here’s what you can expect. I am going to write a blog every day … short, hopefully inspirational, sometimes funny. But a couple of times a week I will make that blog an article which will be helpful, encouraging and maybe sometimes a bit controversial.

Can I ask you a favour, please? Would you be able to let other people know that they can find help and support here on Facebook and on my website at . Can you also let your contacts know that I do a daily Twitter … an inspirational “Thought for the Day” at my Twitter @drbillwebster  and @griefjourneyUK  … and can you ask your Twitter contacts to “Follow” me and to re-tweet the thoughts that they find inspiring.

My goal is thatI am really trying to communicate with as many people as possible to offer them the help and encouragement they both need and deserve as they go through their Grief Journey, or as they try to assist and support family, friends and community as they try to navigate the dark tunnel we call grief. I would be very grateful for YOUR help. Please?

Thank you. Have a great weekend

Dr Bill