Helping a Grieving Person: Articles
Writing a Condolence Letter
It is usually easy for most of us to write an anniversary card or a birthday greeting which focus only on happy thoughts. But writing a condolence note or sympathy card is something altogether different because, quite often, we don’t know what to say. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, we may even put the task off until the time to write has seemingly passed. Because of our own discomfort, the bereaved can be left feeling hurt and angry, their loss unappreciated. Friendships can suffer as well.
In today’s commercial world, it’s easy to find sympathy cards of every description but difficult to find something suitable if you don’t know what “appropriate” is. Was your relationship distant or close? Impersonal or intimate? Thinking about the nature of your relationship should help you find a message that comes close to what you might want to say.
The best and most meaningful condolence message is what you, yourself, write from the heart. Reflecting your genuine thoughts and feelings might only take a few sentences. Or it might be a page or more, depending on what you want to say. However, it’s generally a good idea to make your note fairly short because people in mourning often have difficulty concentrating on longer messages.
It is a good idea to refrain from using some of the common clichés. Here are a few of them:- “I know how you feel.” You should not say this unless you really have had a similar experience, and even then only with care. Grief is different for everyone. Even if you have had a similar loss, it may be better simply to say, “I, too, have lost a son, and I’m so sorry.”
- “She’s in a better place.” Although meant to be reassuring, statements like this come across as hollow platitudes that neither comfort the bereaved, nor convey genuine feeling.
- “He’s at peace now.” This is another example of a similarly hollow statement which is hardly helpful to a father after the suicide death of his son. Even when someone has gone through a long painful illness, we might say: “I know he isn’t in pain now, but we still have to live with ours.”
- “Put this behind you and get on with your life.” What life? Such “advice” is hard to hear when the meaning of life is suddenly unclear. After a death, the bereaved often must redefine who they are and how they fit into the scheme of things.
- “It’s part of God’s plan.” What plan? God planned to have a little girl fall down a well or an airplane to explode in mid air? Aside from the implied heresy, words like these are particularly hard to hear if the bereaved is already feeling some anger and disappointment toward God.
- “Call if you need anything.” The bereaved will probably not call, because they do not know what they need, or whether or not you will be able to give them what they need. Make specific offers of help.
- “You should” or “you will.” Comments that start this way are too directive and may not apply to that situation. If you want to give advice, start your sentence with, “Here is something for you to think about…” or “perhaps you could consider … “
- “I’m so sorry to hear that John has died” may be all you need to start your message.
- “You are in my thoughts and prayers” will work if it’s true.
- “We will all miss Sally; she touched so many of our lives” is good if that’s how you feel.
- “What I am feeling right now is hard to put into words.” Since this is probably quite accurate, it won’t hurt saying so.
- “He was such a creative person, and I am so sorry he died.” Addressing the qualities of the person who died will enable you to reveal indirectly how highly you valued that person.
- “Our love and support will always be here for you.”
- “I will be calling you next week to check in on you.” But DO NOT say this unless you intend to follow through.
- “I would like to drop by on Wednesday but will call first to see if that is a convenient time for you.” Saying this tells the bereaved that your friendship continues as before.
- “Saturday is a free day for me to come over and help…” Specific offers of help mean something while general offers don’t.
- “I will keep you in my prayers.” OK if true.