I would like to personally welcome you to the new and improved GriefJourney.com website, home to a wealth of resources and information on coping with the loss of a loved one.
Our site provides customized content for people on the Grief Journey and those who wish to help them. I believe we offer the most comprehensive source of grief support resources available online.
Here at GriefJourney.com, you will find resources dedicated to helping you, friends and family cope with the loss of someone you loved or cared about. Going through such a time can be one of the most difficult experiences of life, so we want to make our resources as accessible as possible. We give you a choice as to what you would like to do. If you prefer to read, we have a selection of articles that highlight nearly every kind of loss. We also have an in-depth library of free video resources for those that prefer to watch and listen to others stories.
In addition, we offer premium paid resources through our bookstore books, videos and grief care packages that you can’t find anywhere else.
You can also connect with me and others through our emerging social media channels, including our Facebook page, and our Among Friends Facebook group, as well as on Twitter @drbillwebster