To Be Or Not To Be

A few months ago, I attended a conference in Stratford-on-Avon, the English town where William Shakespeare was born and lived. In the centre of the

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Loss is inevitable.

When someone finds themselves confronted with the death of a loved one, or another life loss, they struggle to come to terms with grief. Grief is one of life’s most challenging experiences, and often we need help to come to terms with it.

People, in a death denying society, need information about grief and grieving. There is a real need for us to understand and legitimize the long term process of grief and to validate the many emotions and reactions that can affect someone after a loss.  People need to know that the grief journey has a beginning and an end, yet may require guidance to work through that complex process, for they may not know what they need to help themselves. 

This library gives you the opportunity to read Dr Bill’s helpful articles on grief and grieving. We change these regularly, so keep coming back for new insights into this difficult process.


10 Facts About Grief and Grieving 

Help Me Deal with Emotions

To Be or Not to Be? 

Distinguishing Primary and Secondary Loss

Grief and the Young Person

Loss From a Child’s Perspective

Dealing with Difficult Days

Feeling Stressed?

How to Find a Good Counsellor

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Grievers

Saying Goodbye

Suggestions to Help Yourself Through Grief

Help Me Deal with the Loss of a Father

Help Me Find Reasons to Go On