About the Centre for the Grief Journey
Dr Bill Webster is passionately committed to assisting others on the difficult grief journey.
It was out of a desire to bring some comfort, direction and hope to grieving people in circumstances similar to his own that Bill, some 5 years after his own loss, began to offer community grief support programs. Bill has developed his grief support program to a highly effective and widely recognized resource for people after a significant loss.
The Centre for the Grief Journey was established in 1992 to assist and support people and to provide meaningful resources and helps after a significant loss. The Grief Journey approach combines education, empathy and encouragement as part of a comprehensive package of methods and materials. Dr. Bill has written numerous books and produced DVD’s which address many relevant issues in an “easy to read, easy to understand” format which grieving people find effective and helpful.
In 2001, Dr. Bill met Sean Speiran who became a close friend and colleague. In their partnership, Sean has built and maintained five websites for Grief Journey. During this time, in 2010, Sean’s father passed away suddenly. Sean turned to Dr. Bill during this time, who also helped Sean’s family deal with this very difficult situation.
Dr. Bill and Sean are proud to have produced this website together and our comprehensive grief group support programme When Life Changes. Watch out for upcoming talks and presentations by Dr Bill on our website.
There is no “cookie cutter” approach to grief, and no “magic want” to instantly “fix“ things. But over the 35 years, we have been told many times that our resources have “made a difference” and we are content with that.