When I was a kid, I used to love when my mother would read my sister and I stories. How these tales captured my imagination. I would sometimes picture myself in that story, usually as the hero, of course.


But there were other more personal, real life stories that I remember as part of growing up. My Dad used to tell us stories of his youth, later to his regret sometimes, especially when I bought my first motor cycle and answered his concerns with “Well, YOU had one!” My grandparents, uncles, aunts and other family members had their stories too, and they remain as a legacy of who these people were and what they meant to me in my life.


My grandfather fought in the First World War, and would regale us with tales of his exploits, especially the time when he was wounded. We would groan when the same old anecdotes would be repeated time and again … although I have to say I now wish I had paid more attention, or had captured him telling his story on a video or recorder. It is often with regret, all these years after his death that we realize that much of the detail of his history has sadly been forgotten.


We are all fascinated by stories, whether in movies, in tabloids or on social media. Facebook is just one example of how everyone wants to tell their story


Nowadays, I have the unique privilege of listening to families and friends who tell me the stories of their lives and those of a loved one who has died. I am always curious to know who they were, what they were like, what they did, and what this relationship that is so sadly missed meant to the story teller.


Every person has a story. You have your own stories about parents and grandparents, family members and others. Some of them are good stories that you are proud to recall. Others may not be so memorable, but they all combine into the intricate weave that forms the pattern of life.


There is the story of the person’s LIFE as well as that of their death, and BOTH need to be told. There is the story of the association and relationship you shared, and the story of your adjustment to a new life without that needed relationship.


Grieving people need to “tell the story” because “that which cannot be put into words, cannot be put to rest.” We also want to tell the story because we don’t want our loved ones to be forgotten.

So here is the deal. We are inviting you to send in your submissions to a new feature called “What is your Story.”  You will understand that we are going to have to set a few parameters and establish a few conditions. Watch this space later in the week when we announce this initiative.