Welcome to Griefjourney.com
by Dr. Bill Webster
Losing someone you care about can be one of life’s most difficult experiences. There are no words that can take away the pain of your loss. No matter what well intentioned people try to do or say, it sometimes seems to be of very little help.
I’m Dr Bill Webster, and while I realize that I am not able to “FIX” the situation for you, perhaps I can offer you something to make your journey a little easier.
Our web site is designed to offer grieving people some encouragement, direction, empathy and hope at what is possibly the most difficult time of your life. We have designed the site to make our resources easy to find. We have informative articles about grief, some profiles of people on the journey, a series of videos, ‘Grief Matters”, and much more.
You will also find me on Facebook at The Centre for the Grief Journey, and on Twitter @drbillwebster. If you like what you read, whu not share it with others who could benefit from what we have to offer
After my wife died I struggled with many issues, and felt that not many people really understood what I was going through. One of my most important insights was that grief is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that you care.
Out of that difficult experience, I have tried to develop some useful resources to help people who are themselves struggling with grief. Our site is designed to make information easy to find, and we offer you lots of options.
So so why not take a look and see what we have in store for you. It is my sincere hope that you will find some help and comfort as well as many tools for this grief journey. Grief takes time, so I hope you will mark our site as one of your favourites and come back and visit us from time to time. Let me know how I can help.
If you are looking for help for yourself after a loss, we have articles and videos that will help. We are also going to send out a regular newsletter with articles from Dr. Bill. We can also help connect you to support groups in a numerous communities in North America and in the UK. I hope you will allow me to assist you through your grief journey.
If you are looking for some resources to support a friend, colleague or family member who has experienced a significant loss, we have some helpful information to assist you, as well as some practical resources you can provide for them. I hope you will contact us at the Centre to let me know what you feel we could provide on this site that would help.
Possibly you have clients or employees who are grieving and wonder how you could sensitively and appropriately assist them? Offer them a book, or contact Dr Bill to have his resources posted on your website via a web portal
We also offer many of Dr. Bill’s books and resources on downloadable pdf’s in our Resource Centre, and our printed books and videos are also available through the Resource Centre.
Often, our best efforts to help someone in grief seem woefully inadequate. GriefJourney.com can help. We can provide helpful information to help you help someone you are concerned about and assist you provide a much needed and highly appreciated resource to friends, family, clients or employees in their time of need after a significant loss.
Please let those who are grieving know about what GriefJourney.com can offer. Thank you for visiting GriefJourney.com, today.