Mistakes: From Denial to Acceptance
Mistakes: From Denial to Acceptance Let me make a confession! I recently attended a funeral where Frank Sinatra’s song “My Way” was played. It came to the part, “Regrets, I’ve had a few, But then again, too few to mention … And more, much, much more that this, I did it my way.” In that […]
Attitudes towards Grief and Grievers
Attitudes towards Grief and Grievers Attitude is a little thing that makes a huge difference. Death, loss, and grief are universal experiences that touch everyone, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender. But the beliefs, attitudes, and opinions that are held and expressed about these topics are not unanimous. Long before experiencing a loss of […]
The End of an Era
The End of an Era It is the end of an era. An “era” is defined as “a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.” The death of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, brought the second Elizabethan age to a close after 70 years on the throne. I was […]
Welcome to Griefjourney.com
Welcome to Griefjourney.com by Dr. Bill Webster Losing someone you care about can be one of life’s most difficult experiences. There are no words that can take away the pain of your loss. No matter what well intentioned people try to do or say, it sometimes seems to be of very little help. I’m Dr […]
A Nation Mourns
A Nation Mourns by Dr. Bill Webster September 8th will be remembered as a day that the world was forever changed for many people. An era drew to a close with the announcement of the death of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and someone who has been a beacon of stability for […]
Living in an Uncertain World
Living in an Uncertain World by Dr. Bill Webster “It is a nightmare, and it seizes you from the inside very strongly. This cannot be explained with words.” (quote from a Ukraine resident in Kharkiv) Words are not enough to describe the pain of what is happening in Ukraine. Even graphic descriptions of “horror”; “inhumanity”; […]
Grief is a Problem
Grief is a Problem by Dr. Bill Webster In a moment of therapeutic inspiration, the counselor set half a glass of water in front of her support group. She expected the usual “half-full, half-empty” responses, by which she would identify the optimists and the pessimists. But one participant surprised her. Dan picked up the glass, […]
Dying to Talk about Something
Dying to Talk about Something by Dr. Bill Webster Let’s admit it right from the beginning. Talking about death is never easy. Even imagining the possibility of our own death or that of our loved ones is a frightening experience. Who wants to think about the end of life? Who can contemplate a world where […]
The Importance of a Meaningful Goodbye
The Importance of a Meaningful Goodbye by Dr. Bill Webster Tragedies often come out of nowhere. They are unexpected, unwanted and in many cases, unimaginable. Who would have thought that a virus which began in China could cause a global pandemic that would bring so much of life as we know it to an effective […]
It’s Complicated!
It’s Complicated! To say, with 2020 vision, that the last 12 months of pandemic has been “challenging” is probably the understatement of the century. The year we hoped would be defined by joy was increasingly documented by grief. In the year 2021, we will face new challenges, including mass immunization, economic recovery, and rebuilding of […]